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Who Gets the Glory?

Bill Dando

Sing a new song to the LORD; let the whole earth sing to the LORD. Sing to the LORD, bless His name; proclaim His salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations His wonderous works among all peoples."

Psalm 96: 1-3

Today I am feeling lead to be a bit transparent with you. I am blessed through the ministry of FCA to be able to spend time with young golfers. With the overall goal of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love to see the excitement and anticipation of the kids as they get ready to play this special game. It seems like yesterday that I was in the same season of life. I struggled to finish out good rounds because of preset scoring zones. Which there is some truth to that. BUT what God is teaching me today, that I did not understand when I was younger. Is this; I wanted ALL OF THE GLORY. I wanted people to think I was a skillful player, and on top of that, I wanted them to think I was a great guy as well (how many times do you hear commentators say; For as good a player he is, he is even a better person)? There was not a single thought or expression of thanks to God in my journey. I did not realize that He blessed me with a gift. A gift for us to enjoy together, and with others. I was a complete glory hound.


I am coming to realize that this incredible game of golf is hard. But it is next to impossible if you play it, to get something from it. I think the same can be said in any endeavor. God loves us too much to allow us to try to ascend to a position that He, and HE alone is meant to be. I would like to tell you that I don’t struggle with this any longer. But I can’t. This could be one of the thorns in my side to help me realize how much I need Jesus every waking hour. ALL that I have. ALL that I am is because of what the LORD has done and is doing in and for me. Thank You LORD.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for today. Thank You for blessing our fellow golfers with gifts and talents in the game of golf to make Your glory known. Give us the courage to share Your truth with individuals that cross our paths. In Jesus’ loving name. Amen.

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