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Bill Dando

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you. Therefore, don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Matthew 6:33-34

 I’m seeing a major roadblock, or blind spots in players. I’m going to call it “tomorrow.” Our young HS golfers are spending so much time thinking and worrying about the next level of competition (college), that they are missing the blessing of where they are today. Moms and Dads are not helping, although I see and talk with many of them who have loving motives. Thinking back to my earlier coaching days, I wasn’t helping either. I was so focused on coaching (manipulating) my juniors to improve, because of what “I” wanted to receive (notoriety as a good coach, more players to coach, $). That I was moving them past their “today.” As I’ve told countless juniors, moms, and dads too: There is nothing your child can do today to win a college tournament as a first-year student in HS. Let’s be where our feet are right now, go out and compete, learn, and most importantly ENJOY playing this special game.


Who doesn’t worry about “what’s next”? Whether it’s something good or bad? I’m so thankful for Gods word. Especially these verses (Read all of Matthew 6 when you can). Jesus knows what’s in our hearts and minds. He doesn’t want us to miss being with Him today because of our worrying about tomorrow. I can only imagine the lessons He wanted to teach me, and blessings that I missed, because I was looking past what was right in front of me.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for TODAY. Bless our readers with wisdom that comes from You. Give our coaches pure hearts to guide the young golfers You have entrusted us to help lead their golfing journey. More importantly, their following journey with Jesus. I ask these things in loving name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

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